Software – CUDA
We have several versions of CUDA and a single version of libcudnn on our GPU Systems.
CUDA (Latest)
This will always be the latest supported version on the system.
source /opt/cuda-latest/enable
module load cuda/cuda-latest
CUDA 12.5
source /opt/cuda-12.5/enable
module load cuda/cuda-12.5
CUDA 11.8
source /opt/cuda-11.8/enable
This is a library is required for some packages, it should be compatible with all CUDA 11 versions. By using libcudnn you accept the cuDNN License and NVIDIA Ethical AI.
source /opt/libcudnn-11/enable
source /opt/libcudnn-12/enable
If you require any other version of CUDA or LIBCUDNN then please get in touch.